Got a song for my project! link>>
______________________________________ 100% back into animating :D Christmas Special: Title: Madness Christmasation 1 Progress: on frame 179 Scene: 1 Kills: 2 ______________________________________ Edit: (Scene 1) just need to finish the left hand :D Edit2: i just finished one of the dual tests, since ThaMan42 is not sure i just made it for fun lol (screeine) Edit3:Starting my Zombie test of the Dual! ______________________________________
Check ThaMan42s stuff out^^ link^^, this dual is not to see who is the best or worst animator its for fun hell it should be for all people, AND CLICK THE DAMN LINK TO HIS PAGE >:D
Tests for dual: Melee=Done (Upload - tomorrow) Shooting=Done (Upload - tomorrow) zombie=Staring (Upload - After tomorrow - Screenie)
New screeine (gonna take a long time this test :O) of My (MD2030) sprites and ThaMan42 agent sprites WORK TOGETHER and in at the start as you can see...
Screeine (Shotgun load My sprites)...(AK-74 - Tactical reload ThaMan42 agent sprites)